Academic Regulations

UCD’s Academic Regulations set out the university’s formal regulations in relation to how your degree programme is structured, its workload, how it is assessed, progression requirements and award classification.


UCD Student Code

The University is committed to quality in teaching, learning, scholarship and research and it values honesty, integrity, dignity and respect. All members of the University community are expected to act responsibly at all times. The UCD Student Code sets out the University's regulations and expectations in respect of student behaviour and conduct. Read the UCD Student Code in full.

Academic Policies

The Academic Regulations are supported by academic policy, procedures and guidelines.
Highlighted below are just some of the key policies that you will need to be aware of during your time in UCD but there are many more. A full list of all academic policies is available on the University Secretariat section of the UCD website.

Extenuating Circumstances
This policy is there to help you when the unexpected occurs. If you miss an exam or dealine for an essay, or miss a tutorial where attendance is graded, or if your ability to work and study has been affected by illness or a family situation, you can submit an extenuating circumstances form. Supporting evidence is required when submitting the form but your Student Adviser or programme office will be able to help you with this. Visit the Extenuating Circumstances web page to read the policy in full and download an application form..

Leave of Absence
A leave of absence (LOA) is an extended period of time away from your programme. The purpose of a leave of absence is to enable you to take an approved and specified period of time off before returning and completing your programme. It is very important that you speak to your Programme Office or Student Adviser before submitting a request. Visit the Leave of Absence web page for more information.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
UCD understands plagiarism to be when another person’s work is formally presented in any assessment for a module or programme without any acknowledgement of the original source through the correct citation method. Plagiarism means that you have presented the ideas of someone else as your own original ideas. Learn more about the policy on plagiarism.

Student Email Protocol
When you register to UCD you receive your own unique UCD email address. The student email protocol outlines the correct use of your email. It is expected of you that you will check your email regularly for updates from lectures about individual course or module issues and also from the University on wider issues. When using your UCD email, you are expected to be polite, courteous and respectful at all times. Learn more about the UCD Student Email Protocol.