Computer Science Student Technical Services

All Computer Science Systems & Services must be used to full compliance with UCD's Acceptable Usage Policy. 


Computer Science Tech Support

Having a problem with your computer, the network, or software?  Log a call with the School tech support team [here]. For hardware please should contact the manufacturer or supplier first, as any attempt by us to fix hardware without their consent may invalidate the warranty. There is a separate point of support for coursework related queries, which is the Computer Science Support Centre [more info]


Network Access

UCD provides two wireless networks and one wired network. 

  • UCD Wireless:  An open-access unsecured network with limited internet access. ​​
  • Eduroam: A secure network with ‌extended access to logged-in UCD staff, students, and visitors from other institutions. [How to Connect]
  • Wired Network:  Your wired network adapter must be registered with IT Services, see here

All networks should be used in full compliance with UCDs Acceptable usages policy,  activities such as illegal downloading, result in the removal of your network access. 


Buying a Laptop

The School of Computer Science does not mandate a specific computer make, model, configuration, or operating system for coursework. Ordinarily, any modern laptop purchased (new) in the last 1-2 years, capable of running the latest version of Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux, should be sufficient for your time in UCD. Many tablets, particularly iPads, are unsuitable for programming and may be unable to run the software needed.


Borrow a Laptop (Service Currently Unavailable) 

The School provides a PC laptop loan service. This service is limited to Computer Science staff, undergraduate, and taught postgraduate students only. Students may borrow a laptop for a class, a day, or while their computer is being repaired or replaced. Please note that demand for these laptops is high so the loan period is strictly limited to a maximum of two weeks. If you would like to borrow a laptop please email


Rocket-Chat App Service 

Rocket.Chap is Open Source WebChat Platform hosted by the school of computer science, supporting both mobile and desktop apps.  Register for an account here:



 Virtual Learning Environments

The School of Computer Science uses Moodle and Brightspace.  Your lecturer will advice you on which VLE to use for their module.  Your UCD Connect account will give you access to both systems.

  • CS Moodle here you will find news, course materials and notes, details of and solutions to assignments, and much more.  In      most cases, you will need to self-enrol in your chosen Modules. To do this use the Search Courses feature below to find your module and click on it.  You will be asked for an enrolment key which your  Lecturer or Teaching Assistant will provide.   If you experience any problems using Moodle, please email
  • Brightspace provides a digital hub for teaching and learning at UCD where lecturers can post materials and announcements for students, run quizzes and surveys, virtual classrooms and discus


Linux General Compute Servers

The School runs several powerful Linux servers on which you can run code (e.g. gcc, Python, Perl, ruby, rust, and more), use databases (MySQL, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL), or just to get some experience with Linux. To request an account on one of these Linux servers, please contact For more CPU/Memory intensive computations that require longer run times we would recommend using Sonic HPC. For more information about High-Performance Computing Cluster options, see here.


Student Webspace

The school can provide you with web space to publish web content such as HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.  A database can also be provided if required.    Our web servers are Linux based so you need to be familiar with  basic Linux commands and be able to use ssh, sftp.  This service must be used in full compliance with UCD Acceptable usage policy. Failure to do so will result in the immediate deletion of the account and the  content.  To apply for web space please complete this form


UCD Password Self Service

Your UCD Connect password will give you access to variety of UCD systems and services, e.g. email, Brightspace, Moodle, Sisweb.  To change or recover a forgotten password go here.  Please use a strong password, minimum of 10 characters long, use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.  Never share your password and change it regularly. 


GitLab EE

The School of Computer Science hosts a GitLab Enterprise Edition service. GitLab EE provides an online space to host and manage your code. The service also provides additional features designed to help manage the software development lifecycle. These include code sharing, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds, wikis and other tools for 'social coding'. You can register for an account with your UCD email address [here].


Virtualisation / Cloud Computing

The School can provide a Linux or Windows virtual server to support your project work. All assigned virtual servers must be operated in full compliance with UCD's Acceptable Usage Policy. Any breach of this policy will result in immediate removal of the service. To request a VM, please contact Requests must be approved by your project supervisor. 


Secure Computing

The following recommendations should keep your computer and data secure. 


  • Enable automatic system updates. This is the default for Windows 10 and OSX 
  • Install Malware (or Antivirus) Protection.  UCD provides Sophos to all staff and students here
  • Enable Firewall - Windows 10 ​, OSX 
  • Encrypt your hard disk -  Windows 10 , OSX
  • Use strong passwords, i.e. minimum of 10 characters long, uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.  Never share your password, and change it regularly
  • Beyond these recommendations, you should adhere to best practice when using internet services such a the web, email etc.  [more info].

Smart Devices

  • set a strong pin code (6 or more digits)
  • Use biometric authentication when possible, e.g. fingerprint, facial recognition 
  • Enable automatic locking, 30 seconds or less
  • Configure remote tracking and data deletion to protect your information from loss or theft, e.g Find my iPhone, 
  • Encrypt your device [iPhone] [Android]
  • Install system when prompted
  • Use Eduroam Wifi. ‘UCD Wireless’ should be considered a guest access network only. 
  • When off campus use UCD’s VPN while on open Networks, e.g. airports, coffee shops, etc.
  • Be wary of social engineering scams
  • Avoid jailbreaking/rooting your device
  • Download anti-malware for your Android device, e.g. Malwarebytes.  


Printing Services

Student printing & scanning services are provided by UCD Copi Print [more info] . Printing services are not available in the Computer Science building


Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is a range of tools that make learning more accessible. This includes, for example, software that helps with spelling and grammar, digital pens for recordings lectures, adapted tools for those with visual or hearing impairments, and alternative inputs for students with mobility issues. [more]


Policies and procedures

The University has established IT policies and procedures to safeguard essential services, protect the privacy of students and staff, and comply with contractual requirements and legislation. [more]